Friday, May 18, 2007

NATIONAL CONFERENCE (June 9, 2007): "Rise of Korean American Studies: 15 Years after the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest"

The UCLA Asian American Studies Center cordially invites you to attend . . .

Rise of Korean American Studies:
15 Years after the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest

Saturday, June 9, 2007
9:00 AM- 4:30 PM
Viewpoint Conference Room, Ackerman Student Union, "A" Level, UCLA Campus.

Free and Open to the Public
Please pre-register and reserve a free lunch via email or by phone (310.825.2974). Park in Lot 6 (next to Pauley Pavilion), $8/day

An Invitation

We would like to convene a conference on the status of Korean American Studies in order to commemorate the 1992 unrest. This national conference will be the third one commemorating the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest. We propose to critically reflect on what kinds of knowledge have been produced about Korean Americans. Its main objective is to discuss the status of the field, to clarify the mission of Korean American Studies, to share our strategies, and our vision. We would also like to invite you to share your assessment of the field, strategy, or vision. In addition, we would like to come together to mourn the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings and offer condolences to their families and friends. Korean American community leaders and ordinary Korean immigrants on the street have taken it upon themselves to apologize for the actions of gunman Seung Hui Cho, citing a sense of collective guilt and shame simply by virtue of a shared ethnicity. We would like to reflect on how the Korean American community coped with the enormity of this horrific event, beyond concerns about a racial backlash.

9:00- 9:30 Registration

9:30-10:00 Welcoming Remarks

10:00- 11:00 Session I: Humanities
Moderator/Discussant: Grace Hong (UCLA)
Discussants: Elaine Kim (UC Berkeley), Laura Kang (UC Irvine),
Ji-Yeon Yuh (Northwestern University)

Break (10 min)

11 :10- 12 :10 Session II: Social Sciences
Moderator: Kyeyoung Park (UCLA)
Discussants: John SW Park (University of California, Santa Barbara), Pyong Gap
Min (Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY),
Jung-Sun Park (California State University, Dominguez Hills)

12:10- 1:10 Session III (over lunch): Community-Based Research
Moderator: Ailee Moon (UCLA)
Discussants: Eun Sook Lee (National Korean American Service & Education
Consortium - NAKASEC), Hae Jung Cho (Koreatown Youth and
Community Center - KYCC), (Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Center)

Break (10 min)

1: 20- 2:20 Session IV: Asian Americanists
Moderator/Discussant: Lane Hirabayashi (UCLA)
Discussants: Min Zhou (UCLA), Purnima Mankekar (UCLA),
L.M. San Pablo Burns (UCLA)

Break (10 min)

2:30- 3:30: Plenary Session: Korean American Studies Programs and Activities
Moderator: Elaine Kim (UC Berkeley)
Discussants: Edward T. Chang (UC Riverside), Hyojoung Kim (California State
University, Los Angeles), Kyeyoung Park (UCLA),
Jeongduk Yi (Chonbuk National University, Korea)

Don T. Nakanishi, Ph.D.
Director and Professor
UCLA Asian American Studies Center
3230 Campbell Hall
PO Box 951546
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1546
phone: (310) 825-2974
fax: (310) 206-9844
e-mail Dr. Nakanishi
Please visit the Center's web site:

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